FreshCut Paper was created by renowned designer Peter Hewitt in 2020. Our team consists of a small group of passionate artists, designers and craftspeople who have come together to celebrate the art of flowers by creating intricate botanical & floral sculptures. Our life-sized pop-up floral bouquets consist of whimsical and breathtaking blooms that are wilt proof and crafted to last a lifetime. Our standard bouquets can be mailed with 4 forever postage stamps, connecting people around the country, bringing messages of love and connection.

The spark of the idea came to Hewitt after reading an article on the burden the international flower trade puts on the earth: Jet fuel, pesticides, plastic packaging, refrigeration and ultimately landfills.

Hewitt’s goal is to bring the beauty of the botanical world to a loved one in a more sustainable, and everlasting way. Beyond having a fraction of the carbon footprint of imported flowers, we plant a tree for every bouquet sold, and partner with 1% for the Planet, an organization and global movement that tirelessly works to tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental issues.